This is a small update that contains a few more fixes and additions.
As always, to get the latest version, go to the Github Releases page and download version As always, there is a commit log on the release stating what changes were made.
.NET Core 3.0
Tonight I took some time to look into .NET Core 3.0 and having seen that it’s been finalized, I decided to see how much work it’d be to convert Gorgon to use it. To my surprise it wasn’t too painful at all. I managed to convert Gorgon.Core and Gorgon.Windows and all 5 of the Gorgon.Core examples to .NET Core 3.0 in short order. Of course, those are relatively simple modules with few dependencies, so other modules will probably be more painful as some dependencies may not have .NET Core versions available. That said, everything that uses WinForms from those 2 assemblies worked flawlessly.
I think for the next minor (3.1) release, I may consider jumping over to .NET Core 3.0 completely. Of course, this depends on a number of things like having compatible dependencies, and I still need to investigate whether SharpDX will work with Core 3 (it should). Ideally I’d like to begin updating the code to use .NET Core 3.0 specific features like Span<T> and whatnot. Of course, the biggest thing would finally be being able to use C# 8.0 language features.
For now, this is all an experiment and I will see where I’d like to go with this as time passes.