Just letting folks know that I’ve added a GitHub discussion tab to the Gorgon repo. Now you can ask all those questions you were too lazy to ask.
Just letting folks know that I’ve added a GitHub discussion tab to the Gorgon repo. Now you can ask all those questions you were too lazy to ask.
A new version of Gorgon is now available for download. It contains a few bugfixes, and some enhancements (both of which are in the release notes). You can download it from the Github release page or pull it from nuget.org.
A new version of Gorgon is now available for download. It contains a few bugfixes, and some enhancements (both of which are in the release notes). You can download it from the Github release page or pull it from nuget.org.
A new version of Gorgon is now available for download. It contains a few bugfixes, and some enhancements (both of which are in the release notes). You can download it from the Github release page or pull it from nuget.org.
A new version of Gorgon is now available for download. It contains a few bugfixes (which are in the release notes). You can download it from the Github release page.
A neat new thing is that Gorgon is now available on Nuget.org. You can download Gorgon piecemeal if you only need specific sets of functionality, or, you can retrieve the Gorgon.Editor.API package which retrieves all the other packages. All in all, this should make it easier to keep Gorgon up to date.
Please note that the copy on nuget.org does not contain the Editor. You’ll have to download the Gorgon zip file and extract the Tools directory.
Well, it’s finally “done”. Version 3.1 of Gorgon is now live on the release page. There have been many changes to Gorgon, particularly with the Editor application. Some of these changes are breaking changes, so if you intend to upgrade from 3.0, be aware you may have to change some of your code. That said, these changes are not severe, so updating should not be difficult.
There were a lot of changes, additions and bugfixes applied to this release and for a brief overview, you can view the commit log summary on the Github release page. To get more detail continue on…
Continue readingThis is a small update that addresses some bugs regarding state changes that come up in certain edge cases. These can lead to improper states being set, or older states taking precedence over new states.
As usual, the new update can be retrieved from the GitHub releases page. The latest version at this time is Detailed information about what’s been fixed is available on the commit log for the release.
So, the radio silence is now over, at least for this post. I’ve been toiling away on creating an editor for Gorgon so people can edit sprites, and images (somewhat).
Continue readingI got the rework of the animation system for v3 done and up on the git hubs. Naturally, I took this awesome video of it.
It’s a music video. But not just any music video. A very bad, cheesy 80’s music video (the best kind). Of course, the music is metal \m/ (done, very poorly, by yours truly).
Anyway, that’s all.
So, it’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything here. Mostly because I’ve not been writing much code in the last while and real life has been my focus. Since I’ve been gone, I’ve become a software architect at my job, and that keeps me quite busy.
I’ve finally given in and become a lemming and followed the rest of the planet to git hub. So, from this point forward, Gorgon’s source code will be hosted at Git Hub. The source code currently hosted in the Subversion repository at Google code will remain as-is indefinitely. This means that in order to get the most up-to-date version of Gorgon, you will have to go to the git hub repository.
And here’s the link (also posted on the right side bar over there):
In the 2.x version of Gorgon I wanted to add cameras. It was most tedious before when you wanted to translate an entire scene by an arbitrary amount. So when I started this thing, I created an Orthographic camera object. The previous version of Gorgon used an Orthographic camera internally and this was never exposed to the user. But in this case, I exposed the camera so that the user can define their own viewing mechanism.
There’s more info and a video inside…
So I’ve been busy working on building the editor for creating the content for Gorgon. I know I posted a screenshot of a very old initial version of the editor way back:
Anyway, I totally scrapped that old thing and restarted. And here’s a more up to date (but not even close to being done) screen shot:
A little better.
This new editor is going to be a replacement for all the tools in the previous version of Gorgon. It will handle file management duties (File System Editor in v1.x), sprite editing (Sprite Editor in v1.x) and atlasing (Atlas tool in v1.x). It will also add font editing. The big thing about this editor is that it’s entirely plug-in based. Meaning that the font editor, sprite editor, etc… are/will be DLLs that are loaded/unloaded as needed. What this means for you: You can write your own plug-in modules for it. Want to build a map editor and integrate it with the rest of your content? With the plug-in system in the editor, you can write your own map editor and host it right in the editor interface (if anything the minimized tedium of having to write UI code is worth it). Want to write out your content data as encrypted data? You can extend the file writing functionality to write out encrypted file data.
Unlike the sprite editor in the previous version, the files are no longer saved as loose files on your hard drive that require a separate utility (file system editor) to pack into a single compressed file. This editor now outputs data as a packed file (of course, this can be modified with a plug-in) so you don’t have to come up with a strategy to update your content, allowing you to edit directly. This is where it takes over from the file system editor and like the old file system editor this one is capable of importing files by either clicking on an Import menu item, or dragging and dropping directly from explorer. And, obviously, there’ll be a way to extract the files to your harddrive should you wish to do so.
I have several plans for plug-in modules for the editor including a sprite editor, image editor (a very very very very simple editor, use photoshop or paint.net if you want high detail stuff), a font editor and a shader editor (maybe).
FYI, the window will look like that in Windows 7 as well (i.e. no aero glass). I’ve modified it to look like the Zune window by including a new object in Gorgon.Common.Dll called ZuneForm. Basically you inherit this form instead of a System.Windows.Forms.Form and then you get a Zune-looking window.
So, I got myself a copy of Visual Studio 2012 Pro. It’s pretty nice, except for the shitty all-caps menus (which you can turn off with the registry hack located here). I really didn’t have any plans on moving Gorgon v2.x to .NET 4.5/VS2012 until I saw this:
So here’s a screenshot of the dual monitor code in action:
It’s not much to look at, but it was a major pain in the ass to get working, and does indeed work. Basically you create 2 forms, and 2 swap chains and set both swap chains to full screen and then add some special code to handle cases where focus is lost/restored on the primary form.
Gorgon would normally handle focus loss to reset your full screen mode for you when focus is returned (this is due to a bug in WinForms and DXGI). And that’s all well and good, but this code really doesn’t work well with multiple monitor situations. So, there’s a flag to tell Gorgon to turn off the automatic mode reset on focus, and that will let you, the user, handle the transition when dealing with multiple monitors. It’s not an ideal situation, but it works
It’s a bit complicated to set up, but there’ll be an example included with Gorgon on how to use dual monitor setups that’ll guide you through the process.