Tag Archives: Shaders

Clearly I’ve not been posting

sitelogoBut I have been doing stuff.

I’ve been spending my time refactoring and just cleaning up the code in Gorgon.  I made the mistake of getting Resharper and it put me on this crusade of cleaning up the code because apparently I’m just awful.  Also, I’ve been finishing up the primary graphics API (not the 2D stuff) by adding a bunch of new things to it like geometry shaders, compute shaders, and hull/domain shaders for tesselation (this one is cool, if not a little baffling).  I also made the API a little closer to Direct 3D 11 by adding views to resource object types.

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Gorgon Shaders

So I got custom shaders up and running in Gorgon 2.0.  The new version has always had shader ability because it’s using Direct3D 11, so it’s required to use them.  However, up until now the shader code has been hardcoded to use 3 default shaders.  But after today, there’s an ability to use customized shaders:

In this little sample, there’s a new system at work.  It’s basically a mini effects framework that can do multi-pass rendering and in this video there’s a wave shader and an embossing shader at work on the sprite.  If you want to learn more, click the stupid link below

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New Gorgon Example

So I kind of broke my promise to not add anything new, and added a new example.  This one deals with per-pixel bump mapping.  It will be included in the next round of bug fixes for Gorgon (of which there are many).   I’ve put up a screen shot of it in action, although it really needs to be seen in its fully animated glory to get the full effect.

As I said there are many bug fixes that have been implemented in Gorgon and I’ll package and distribute another release by the end of the month (I want to be sure to catch as many as possible).  None of them are show stoppers, just annoyances.  You can easily keep up to date by grabbing the code from the sub version repository on the google code page.  I’m aiming for the end of the month for a release unless I find a really major bug, so it’s entirely possible that it could come sooner.  But the way things are looking, it looks like I’ll stay on schedule.

As always, I’ll keep all two of us posted.

Edit: I just encountered a bug with the installer. If you attempt to install the source code it’ll complain about installing x64 components if you’re using an x86 version of Windows. Just deselect “Install Source” before installing. If you need the source, you can get it from the subversion repository. Sorry about that, I’ll get that straightened out with the next release.